How Stress causes Hair Loss
There are a number of autoimmune diseases that cause hair loss today. In this article I will explore the autoimmune disorders that greatly increase hair loss.
Alopecia areata (AA)
First thing that comes to mind for most people when they hear about autoimmune diseases. This condition occurs most often loss hair we see that the bald scalp. Although the area around the room is normal in most cases, the round spots are bald.
Alopecia areata universalis is another autoimmune disease is more common. This case is shown by the loss of hair on the body, including head and other areas eyelashes pubic hair, beard area, and armpits. You can see "exclamation point hairs" when this process is underway. "Exclamation point hairs" are the hairs that break and are tapered and are much smaller as the scalp. The real cause of AA is a matter of dispute, but most agree is precisely in the autoimmune nature. This problem is aggravated by stress and exposure to viruses or conditions which you are allergic. The treatment of this condition may include oral steroids, steroid injections or the use of traditional herbs such as rosemary and lavender.
It is an autoimmune disorder AA.Those more common after infected with the disease are affected by malar rash can affect the scalp and cause scarring that can lead to loss temporary or permanent hair. The most visible symptom of this disease is the manifestation of the "exclamation point."
Thyroid Questions
Many people are unaware of autoimmune thyroid problems. A disease that is following the issue of thyroid disease graves where the hair will become much thinner and there will be an increase in hair loss. The texture is very soft to keep all haircuts. The filaments also become a color clear. Hashimoto's thyroiditis, the hair becomes very thick and dry, but hair loss is growing.
Other autoimmune diseases that may increase hair loss include rheumatoid arthritis, intestinal cystitis, fibromyalgia, Celic disease, and Guillain-Barre syndrome.
Treating disorders autoimmune
Most drugs that are prescribed for autoimmune diseases are given to reduce the inflammatory process, because there is almost always a component inflammatory hair loss. However, steroids have significant side effects. Always focus on natural methods of treatment before deciding to use drugs, since they can have serious side effects.
For example, you can reduce your stress level by avoiding stressful situations. You should eat lots of protein that are low in fat and increase the absorption of vitamins. Vitamins can be easily found in fruits and vegetables. iron absorption should also increase. Iron can be obtained from whole grains and liver. Always exercise because exercise helps the body stay relaxed and calm thus reduce your stress level. good Exercises may include squats, yoga, weightlifting normal, etc. These are just some tips that can help reduce the effect of autoimmune diseases in hair and always have healthy hair.