Chinese Herbs that Can Regain Hair Growth in Men
Many men experience hair loss due to inherited tendencies known as male-pattern baldness, where hair is lost from the front and top of the head, leaving a band of hair growing around the lower portion of the head from ear to ear. However, there are other reasons for men's hair loss, including a reduction in testosterone as a man ages, improper nutrition resulting from vitamin deficiencies, chemotherapy and other drug reactions, hormone problems involving the thyroid gland and stress. Men have attempted to regrow lost hair with various creams and chemicals, some of which produce severe side effects and others that don't work at all. Various herbs, especially those used in China, may be helpful in helping with hair growth.
Various herbal mixes are available from Chinese apothecaries and from doctors of Oriental medicine who specialize in herbal treatments. Most herbal tonics are made-to-order for each man, based on his health history, needs, activity levels and overall nutritional state. According to Ageless Herbs, many mixtures include the herb fo-ti, which is known to restore hair and hair color for some people. In addition, reishi mushroom, called the mushroom of immortality, may be included in the tonic. Reishi mushroom helps to balance the body's hormones and stimulate scalp blood flow. Ligustrum lucidum helps with increasing circulation and Schisandra chinensis improves the skin quality while stimulating the hair follicles.
For the best combination of herbs for your condition, visit an herbalist or a doctor of Oriental medicine for a prescription. Since some of these herbs can cause side effects, speak with your health-care provider first before using any herbal product for hair regrowth.
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