5 Facts About Male Pattern Baldness
Facts About Male Pattern Baldness
For many men, a receding hairline is bad news. Seeing a forehead
becoming wider at an unknown rate is truly unsightly and disturbing. But you
are not alone in that problem. The recession of the hairline is usually the
first noticeable indicator male pattern baldness. Gradually, the hair becomes
finer, thinner, and shorter until it creates a horseshoe-shaped pattern of hair loss.
Your doctor would probably diagnosed you with androgenetic alopecia
or pattern baldness. MPB tends to run in families. Hence, if your father has
it, you have a 50% percent chance of developing it yourself. Read on to learn
some facts about male pattern baldness.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, two out of
three American men go bald in this manner. It is more prevalent in Caucasians than in Asians,
Native Americans, and African-Americans. Men with the genetic tendency will
likely begin developing the condition at the age of 25 and then worsens with
Men who are genetically predisposed have certain hair follicles in their scalp, which are sensitive to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT binds with the androgen receptor sites in the hair follicle cells, altering the hair protein synthesis and causing follicular failure. Follicles would produce finer, shorter, and thinner hairs in the process until they eventually stop producing. The distribution of the DHT-sensitive hair follicles explains the pattern of balding.
Men who are genetically predisposed have certain hair follicles in their scalp, which are sensitive to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT binds with the androgen receptor sites in the hair follicle cells, altering the hair protein synthesis and causing follicular failure. Follicles would produce finer, shorter, and thinner hairs in the process until they eventually stop producing. The distribution of the DHT-sensitive hair follicles explains the pattern of balding.
95% of cases of balding are linked to heredity. A myth has it that it usually
comes from the mother’s side of the family, believing it to be recessive gene.
On the contrary, baldness is polygenic, which means it can be inherited by
either parent with equal frequency.
diagnosing AGA is usually done through a skin biopsy. Through this process,
doctors discover the real cause of hair loss. Unlike a simple hair
analysis, a skin biopsy or other trusted methods are accurate.
Treatments Available
Finasteride and minoxidil are two medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of AGA. However, their potential side effects may prompt you to rather choose other methods of treating such low-level laser therapy and surgical hair restoration.
Finasteride and minoxidil are two medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of AGA. However, their potential side effects may prompt you to rather choose other methods of treating such low-level laser therapy and surgical hair restoration.
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